
I love being in touch with beauty. I am finding it everywhere, in everything that life offers to us and I am grateful that I am able enjoy life such a way. It inspires me to create pictures full of joy and happiness, beauty of nature and great relationships with our loved ones. I find beauty in the genuine emotions of our relations in the breathtaking landscape views in the nature and also many urban environments and I aesthetically combine those elements on my photos.
When photographing, I am combining spontaneous little events with creative ideas that arise along the way. I want to see the bride and groom to enjoy their wedding day and feel the love. So that together we create unforgettable moments and beautiful photos, which we like to look at time and time again.
Wedding Photography
As wedding photographer I offer different packages of photo services. I carefuly listen to the needs of the couple and then prepare the package that suits them most. I can work solo or organize team of photographers. We cover shorter and longer weddings. After postprocessing of the photos day, couple receives uniqe photos in high resolution and a web gallery, protected with password. From the selection of beautiful photo books we can one that fits your taste and round up the package.
Before the wedding day, I always like to meet the couple and invite them for a coffee/tee/smoothie. So we can get to know each other, talk about the wedding scenario and their wishes and brainstorm photo ideas for the wedding. Photos are deivered 1 month after the wedding.
Before the wedding day, I always like to meet the couple and invite them for a coffee/tee/smoothie. So we can get to know each other, talk about the wedding scenario and their wishes and brainstorm photo ideas for the wedding. Photos are deivered 1 month after the wedding.
Engagement & Pre-wedding portraits
Engagement or pre-wedding shoot is done before the wedding in natural, urban or studio environment. Many times we work at a location, that means something special to the couple, where they have spent wonderful times together and they like to return there often. I like to propose to the couple that they take some of their favorite personal items, which add something very genuine to the photos.
Maternity can be one of the most beautiful periods in a womans life. I am fascinated by the miracle of life and the ability of women to create a new life inside of her. Amazingly beautiful. I really enjoy photographing this magical period of life.
Photo Books
One of the services I offer to the couples is also design and print of photo book. You can choose between 4 different styles and variety of options of materials and colours. I invite them for a visit, so that they can see all the options in person and easily decide what they like the most.
Moja Ponudba
Rad sem v stiku z lepoto. Iščem jo povsod, v vsem kar nam življenje ponuja. To me inspirira k ustvarjanju fotografij polnih radosti, veselja, lepot narave ter sreče odnosov z bližnjimi. Lepoto najdem v pristnih čustvih naših medsebojnih odnosov, v čudoviti naravi in urbanih okoljih ter jo estetsko združim na moje fotografije.
Pri fotografiranju združujem spontanost dogajanja s kreativnimi idejami, ki se porajajo. Želim si le, da ženin in nevesta kar se da uživata na svoj poročni dan in čutita ljubezen. Tako lahko skupaj ustvarimo čudovite, sproščene fotografije, ki jih je užitek pogledati še čez mnogo let.
Poročna fotografija
Pri poročnem fotografiranju se z vsakim parom posebej dogovorim za paket fotografiranja, ki vključuje daljše celodnevno ali krajše fotografiranje poroke, unikatno obdelane fotografije v visoki resoluciji in spletno poročno galerijo zaščiteno z geslom. Iz palete foto knjig lahko k temu dodamo tudi izbrano lično foto knjigo.
Pred poročnim dnem se rad s parom dobim in poklepetam o scenariju za poročni dan in njunih željah, ob tem pa se še malce spoznamo, kar kasneje pripomore k pristnim in sproščenim fotografijam. Fotografije dostavim v mesecu dni po poroki.
Zaročno fotografiranje in predporočni portreti
Zaročno ali predporočno fotografiranje izvedemo pred poroko v naravnem, mestnem ali studijskem okolju, ki vama je posebno pri srcu, v katerem sta preživela lepe trenutke in se rada vračata tja. Večkrat za rekvizite predlagam tudi osebne predmete, ki dodajo še nekaj osebno – pristnega na fotografije.
Nosečniška fotografija
Nosečnost je lahko za žensko eno izmed najlepših obdobij v življenju. Očaran sem nad čudežem življenja in sposobnostjo ženske, da v njej zraste novo življenje.
Še posebej lepo mi je ustvariti fotografije iz tega zares čarobnega obdobja.
Še posebej lepo mi je ustvariti fotografije iz tega zares čarobnega obdobja.
Poročna Foto knjiga
Parom ponudim tudi izdelavo foto knjige, pri čemer lahko izbirata med 4 različnimi vrstami in paleto barv in materialov. Povabim ju na ogled, da si jih lahko v živo pogledata in odločita kaj jima je najbližje. V zadnjem času v kolekcijo dodajam unikatne in ročno narejene foto knjige, ki odražajo osebnost in življenje mladoporočencev.