On the evening before the wedding day I received a friendly skype call from them asking me if I could come to Topolsica Spa – Slovenia, where they were staying, take a few photos there and then, since they had some additional time before the ceremony organise a little trip across Slovenia to the Bled castle. “Please take us somewhere nice, let’s do something unusual and interesting – we totally trust your choice” they said and I said SURE, lets do that! 🙂
I quickly wrote down all the beautiful places that I wanted them to see, made a few calls and went to sleep, since we started early in the morning.
And the day turned out to be a total success. After a few photos at their hotel, we jumped in the car and I guided them thru walleyes, across the hills and rivers to the beautiful mountain platoes, ful of dandelion flowers and spectacular views. Anouska and Maarten were touched by the beauty around them and they could very easily express love to each other. And that definitely can be seen on the photos that we created together.
And the day turned out to be a total success. After a few photos at their hotel, we jumped in the car and I guided them thru walleyes, across the hills and rivers to the beautiful mountain platoes, ful of dandelion flowers and spectacular views. Anouska and Maarten were touched by the beauty around them and they could very easily express love to each other. And that definitely can be seen on the photos that we created together.
After the ceremony at the castle, I prepared another surprise for them – summer tobogganing near Bled Lake. They were super-surprised & excited and could not wait to do it. We created a really unique, one of a kind wedding photos and some of them are displayed in this gallery. We concluded the day by visiting the island of Bled with friends and family and then joined others at the party at Vila Bled.
I am really happy that I was able to show the beauty of Slovenian landscape, create beautiful photos and all that in company of a such a warm and pleasant couple.
I am really happy that I was able to show the beauty of Slovenian landscape, create beautiful photos and all that in company of a such a warm and pleasant couple.
Matej Kolaković
“We are very happy to have had Matej as our photographer. He is very easy going, professional, and creative. We gave him carte blanch and he delivered!
He took us places that are not on the tourist map and we had lots of fun. Even the beginning of the day when we had to get used to the camera in our faces we had laughs. So it didn’t take us very long to get used to it. We have the most beautiful photo album and are very thankful to him.”
Anouska in Maarten iz Nizozemske sta me kontaktirala približno pol leta pred poroko. Preko emaila smo se dogovorili za vse podrobnosti in potek poroke. Prvotni plan je predvideval le poroko na Blejskem gradu in fotografiranje na lokacijah okrog jezera, kar pa se je tik pred poroko na hitro spremenilo 🙂
Večer pred poročnim dnem dobim skype klic od para. Izrazita željo, da zjutraj na kratko fotografiramo pri njima v hotelu v Termah Topolšica, nato pa sta prosta do poroke na Bledu in si želita izkoristiti čas za obisk lepih krajev in narediti kakšno fotografijo več. “Popelji naju nekam, kjer je lepo, lahko tudi kaj nenavadnega in zanimivega počnemo – popolnoma zaupava tvoji presoji!”, sta rekla. “seveda!”, sem rekel, “bom pripravil nekaj dobrega za jutri”. Hitro sem zapisal nekaj dobrih lokacij na poti od Topolšice do Bleda, opravil nekaj klicev in se odpravil spat. Naslednji dan smo začeli zgodaj.
In naslednji dan se je odlično odvil. Že v hotelu smo se super ujeli, po nekaj fotogafijah v hotelu smo skočili v avto in počasi sem ju popeljal preko hribov in dolin, čez čiste reke in potočke proti gorskim livadam, polj polnim regrata, obdanim s spektakularnimi razgledi. Vsa lepota se ju je dotaknila in z lahkoto sta si igrivo izkazovala medsebojno ljubezen. In to smo ujeli tudi na poročne fotografije, ki smo jih ustvarili skupaj.
Na Blejskem gradu se je odvil poročni obred, za tem pa sem imel zanju še eno presenečenje – poletno sankanje na Straži, v bližini Blejskega jezera. Presenečena in hkrati navdušena nad predlogom sta komaj čakala, da se spustita po strmini. Ob tem nam je uspelo ustvariti nekaj še posebej unikatnih fotografij. Nekaj od njih si lahko ogledate tudi v tej galeriji. Dan smo zaključili še z obiskom Blejskega otoka z družino in prijatelji in zvonenjem zvonov sreče v cerkvici, nakar smo se vrnili na obalo v Vilo Bled, kjer je že čakala večerja in kasneje zabava.
Lep občutek je bil v meni po zares pestrem dnevu, vesel sem, da sem uspel pokazati nekaj lepih koncev Slovenije in ob tem ustvariti serijo čudovitih poročnih fotografij za spomin. Vse skupaj v zelo prijetni družbi Anouške in Maartena.
Anouška in Maarten pravita:
“Zelo sva vesela, da sva imela Mateja za najinega poročnega fotografa. Je zelo sproščen, profesionalen in kreativen. Dala sva mu nepopisan list in proste roke pri ustvarjanju in naredil je čudovite fotografije. Peljal naju je na kraje, ki niso na turističnih zemljevidih in imela sva se super.
Tudi na začetek dneva, ko sva se navajala na kamero v najini bližini, je bil nasmejan. Zelo hitro sva se navadila. Zdaj imava najčudovitejšo foto knjigo in sva mu zelo hvaležna."